American Shooting Centers Range Safety Rules
Safety for all guests and spectators is our highest priority. We invite sporting enthusiasts to enjoy the range that have a wide range of experience levels – therefore, safety and consistency is priority one. By educating guests at ASC, it helps to make the overall shooting sports activities safer at our range, other ranges and out in the field.

What to Plan for and Expect:
Suggested Tips Before You Leave Home:
- Know how your firearm is placed in the case, so when you arrive at the range, you can put it on the bench facing down range before opening the case/bag. (Down range is where the targets are located. When at the shooting bench area, any location beyond that point going toward the targets is considered “Down Range”.
- Check to ensure you have eye and ear protection for all shooters.
- Make sure you have a spotting scope or shooting bags as needed.
- Make sure that you have the correct caliber ammo for your firearm. Ammunition is always available for purchase in the ASC pro shop.
- If bringing your own paper targets, it’s helpful to have tape to mount targets on ASC provided targets.
ASC focuses on creating enjoyable, safe experiences for all guests. Here are a few reminders:
- Only ASC provided steel targets are allowed on the ranges. Please don’t bring your own steel targets and hang them on the fence.
- No intermediate targets allowed on rifle ranges. Round fired at intermediate distance targets could skip off the ground and fly above or outside of the safety berms.
- Please don’t fly drones on the ranges. We don’t want anyone targeting your drone and shooting above the safety berms.
Rules at the Range:
- Eye and ear protection is mandatory for all persons.
- Treat every gun as if it were loaded at all times.
- Remove all firearms from their cases at the shooting benches only, not behind the shooting benches or in your vehicle or in the parking lot.
- Bolts or actions must be open when you are not shooting.
- Keep your muzzle pointed down range (or in a safe direction) at all times.
- Keep your muzzle pointed down range (towards the targets) or straight up at all times. NEVER allow your firearm to point left, right, down toward the ground, or the parking lot.
- Check your barrel for obstructions before firing.
- Make sure you have the correct ammunition for your gun before firing.
- Shoot only at your assigned target. Anyone shooting at anything other than their assigned target will be asked to leave.
- No Rapid fire allowed on the range. Do not handle any firearm during a cease fire.
- No horseplay permitted, this includes children.
- No alcohol is permitted on the premises. Anyone suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be asked to leave.
- Only paid shooters will be allowed on the firing line. Anyone else must stay back off the firing line.
- Range officers are in command of all shooters while they are on the premises.
Note: When the range is cold, rifles are to be placed in the racks to ensure firearms are not pointed down range while guests are inspecting targets.

Anyone suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be allowed on the range. ASC reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.